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2005-04-01, 2:43 p.m.

The coffin was so small. Not tiny, like a child's, but small and sad in the big church front.
She seemed lost in there somehow...So many tears for her, the wonderful person we shall all miss forever. The boys spoke about her, the girls cried some. I was ok till they started singing 'All things bright and beautiful', that's when I couldn't stop the tears. Such a perfect song for her. Such a reminder of what we have lost now that she has gone.
Just five months after him.
And how we cried when he went too. All is changing - we thought - well now it has truely changed. They are both gone.
But they are together now - how it should be. Inseparable through life, except a forced separation courtesy of the war years, I have never known a couple so romantic, so in love. Who in their eighties leaves little sweetheart notes in their wife's closet so that she will find them when she goes there? Who in their eighties uses up old paint on a brush after decorating, to write 'I LOVE J--' on the garage wall? Such a true and lovely story of a romance that the rest of us could only dream of or read in a story book.
Ill health and frailty made their last couple of years a lot less restful and happy than they deserved. The tears we cry are for us and our loss. Not for them. They have gone to a better place, they are restored, they are together and at peace.
We grieve for ourselves and the void their departure has created. But I for one know that they are now the lucky ones. They have gone to God and all is well.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden