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2005-04-22, 10:59 p.m.

Great fun was had by all while Mandy came to stay - hoorah!
One major problem since the visit tho is that the smoke alarm went off while we were cooking ( it's situated in the bedroom) and since then (just under a week) H is absolutely terrified of the littl ewhite box on the wall. he wont walk past it "mummy carry you (he thinks his name is YOU - long story)" and he wont come out of the bedroom alone. Poor little fellow. Tonight I actaully managed to get him into bed for his story without him staring at the wall where the alarm was - now in hallway - but as I kissed him goodnight he slowly pulled the duvet up over his head to hide from the 'noisey bingbing'. i never felt SO guilty! what can i do tho? he's only 2. I dont want to traumatise him totally, but he cant sit up with me till 10pm each evening, he's just not getting enough sleep - esp since the whole Snurg/cot/climbing incident. blugh.
I went in ten minutes after I left him, and, thank goodness, he was asleep. So I unpeeled him from the sweaty mess he had become under the bedclthes and popped a little blanket over him instead.
See what tomorrow brings.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden