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2005-04-11, 10:58 p.m.

So the Snurg has taught H how to climb out of his cot - HOORAH (not!). Because of this I have a small boy who wont stay in bed long enough to settle to sleep. He has always been such a good little sleeper that it is a shock to both our systems. This evening he was so tired by 5pm he keeled over on the sofa and I had to carry him through to the bedroom. He wouldn't wake up (oh and I tried!) till nearly seven which has buggered the whole evening due to a late night/late tea/ boy not tired enough for bed till 10 pm - blugh.

On a lighter note, I had an old friend from my old place visit today with her two youngsters and the three of them had a fab time in my lovely garden. They are very nice children, which makes a nice change.

My neighbours are getting ever friendlier... they are mainly retired people who are finding it a joy (apparently) to have young blood in the neighbourhood and are enjoying looking out for me and offering help of any kind everytime I see any of them. fab :-). Its a quiet little road, more of a cul-de-sac really so I feel all warm and cosy here. Such a change form the old place. Shame I only have this place for a year but better that than not.

Another friend - Mandy - called this evening to say she is coming to stay for a visit either later this week or early next week. She is also fab and I love it when she comes to stay. She arrives with no 'schedule' and just hangs with us until she wants to leave.....days and days and days. That may be a nightmare with some guests, but she's so easy to be around - sometimes I wish we shared a place to gether - that would be fun. H loves her too and showers her with kisses at every opprtunity - which is unusual for him, so she feels all pleased and stays longer - yay H!

Jaz was supposed to come over this eveing for a curry - it was her birthday th other day and we were going to pig out on spice for a treat ( we're too poor to do it often) but she is ill and had to cancel. sniff. still, the way things worked out with H and his sleeping etc it's probably just as well. We'll just do it some other time instead I guess.

K is sometimes SOOOOOOOOO slow to pay in the monthly money for his son it really really bugs me. I am still waiting for March's money - which he assures me was paid in - but hasn't come through yet. He seems to forget that the bills need paying whether he's on time or not, which leaves me living off Mr Credit card till it arrives. It all cost me more in the end - SO annoying. April's money is due in about 10 days time - guess I can whistle for that! he's going to get so late one month that I end up skipping a month - I can feel it in my bones. He's that kinda guy - any more laid back he'd be in a coma - you know the sort. Not a malicious bone in his body but the ability to climb up his own backside so well that the rest of the world passes him by and he hasnt even noticed. grrrrr.

Well that's enough moaning for now. I should try get some sleep while H is sleeping as I am so darn tired these days.
night x

last - next

Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden