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2005-04-09, 1:16 a.m.

the people who may be mentioned here in this diary.......I know you're interested! lol

K - My son's daddy. short fling a while ago, which promised more at the time but never happened. I, happily, was left holding the baby, and that's just fine by me right now. It worries me more for my boy as he only has one daddy and needs him a whole bunch more than I do. We have one or two visits from him per year - but he does live 4,000 (ish) miles away, so what can ya do?

H - My beautiful, perfect 2 year old son who is mischievous, naughty, loving, gentle, funny and very very precious

Grim/Snurg - 4 year old son of a friend of mine who is a pain in the ass, but my son thinks he's fab, so they play together alot. also, his mum is my best pal so I put up with Grim so that I can see her. He teaches H loads of stuff and they seems to have a 'brother' realtionship which does both of them ( as single kids of single mothers) a whole heap of good. He's not THAT bad, but irritating in a four year old kinda way.

Jaz The Snurg's mum. fab friend, lovely company. lives local, loads in common, love her to bits, see her most days for extended periods, otherwise often have hour long phone convo's while our boy's get V bored - hahahaha

If I mention my parents/sister/such the like, I am hoping you will guess their relationship to me ;-)
Other than the above , I will add to this list when other people pop up in conversation


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden