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2005-04-23, 10:18 p.m.

Just killing some time waiting for an ebay auction to end, so thought I'd drop by......
This morning it rained and rained like a september day and we were extremely bored stuck in the house. Jaz and Grim came over to play, which helped a little, altho both boys have colds, so tempers were short when it came to squabbles about toys.
This afternoon it was really warm and sunny, so me and H went out to play for a bit - well, he played and I did some weeding. It all came to an end when I turned to find him elbow-deep in a waterbutt filled with old, stagnant rainwater, and thought - oops, time this boy had a bath. It's no wonder these curious little creatures get upset stomachs! pah! So, early bath before dinner and he wasn't impressed. I think he thought I would send him to bed without eating - poor fellow, its a confusing world for a small boy.
For the second time this week I have managed to actually read him to sleep and not have him either demanding more stories or trying to escape. Such a satisfying feeling.

Have been meeting some people in the local town over the last few months discussing christianity and Jesus etc. It has been very interesting and enlightening. We started by doing the alpha course and then decided to meet for a follow-up, based around a book by Nicky Gumbel called Challenging Lifestyles. We are a small group of 6 women and 1 man, all of different ages and I LOVE IT. I mean to get more into all this religion stuff here, which was one reason for changing my diary and 'starting over' but I find it hard to know what to say really! well, I guess I made a start, and will try to continue here-on-in, as we go along.

and would ya sign the guestbook, already? lol! grrrrrr

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden