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ex boyfriends who turn up after a million years do my head in!
2005-04-26, 2:49 a.m.

sodaberry says:

EX says:

EX says:
how are ya?

sodaberry says:
heeeeeeeeey - cheesy photo - kewl

EX says:
i'm nearly there - its great to be talking with you sexpot! i'm going to get some water - 1 sec

sodaberry says:
hello, i'm back

sodaberry says:
may have to come and go, H very restless - keeps waking up

EX says:
thats ok. its just so good to be talking to you

EX says:
i mean really.

sodaberry says:
thats cos i'm cool, and you know it

EX says:
i get all warm and fuzzy still!

sodaberry says:
and you still have a way of disappearing

EX says:
i don't mean to but if i have to be honest...

sodaberry says:
yes...... you should always be honest

EX says:
when i see you i want to ummmm have you...and that will never change

EX says:
you've always been so special to me

sodaberry says:
hmmmm. men and their dumbsticks - i guess that will never change! lol

EX says:
yeah but there are so many girls in the world and so many opportunities - same with guys i guess but it all becomes a little boring after a while - you start looking for that spark - you were my first love and you really lit a fire under me - i've always keaned for you.

sodaberry says:

sodaberry says:
well, you want some honesty from me?

EX says:

EX says:
or is it keened?

sodaberry says:
well, i have always loved you and always will, i guess. you have no idea the PANIC i had over 9/11 for example. but ultimately i guess its over for us, and yeah - it is a sad thing, but there's no point in pining - its self destructive.

sodaberry says:
keaned?keened? who knows

sodaberry says:
i still get fuzzy if i think of you, if i see you mum, or go near your house, but what can i do - i cant go back in time, wondering what if...... i gess there are some things you never really get over, but you have to move on or you wither up

EX says:

EX says:
i wish i could hug you now.

sodaberry says:
sodaberry says:
pay no heed to the whining wench

EX says:
i remember those times we had- akward first kissed, fumbles in discos, parents interrupting etc - we had to deal with all that shit! i remember our first was at the ------- disco....

EX says:
shall i go on...?

sodaberry says:
what ya trying to do to me here?

EX says:
well it had such a profound effect one me

EX says:
one sec the music was pounding

EX says:
and the next i was enveloped by your perfume and even better than that

sodaberry says:

EX says:
can't find the words to descibe french kissing poetically! over to you lover

sodaberry says:
i dont know - i guess 'fab' is quite a good word for it

sodaberry says:

EX says:
cop out! i think it was the most erotic experience i've ever had

EX says:
i mean seriously time stood still! the wierd thing was everything went quiet too

sodaberry says:
just like in the movies, huh?

EX says:
talk to me. can we get together tomorrow afternoon?

sodaberry says:
sure we can.

sodaberry says:
we will have a little chaperone with us tho

sodaberry says:
you still here? msn being weird

EX says:
i'm here

EX says:
so theres no chance of lying you down, kissing you all over and holding you close is there?

sodaberry says:
not really

sodaberry says:
darn- - H crying, hold on, be right back

EX says:
if there is a couple on the face of this earth who had more of a right to get together and cuddle irrespective of anything else life couold deal i'd say its you and i.

EX says:
ok back in a tic

sodaberry says:
well, i think i know where your coming from, but in the real world, other things get in the way - like texan girlfriends for example.............

EX says:
i know what you're saying but i just don't know whats going to happen in this life. i know that you were my first and that i'll always need you/think about you/lurve you..?so being back here i don't care about anything but consumating our unique tie. who knows - we may never be together, i might walk under bus tonmorrow but the times i spend with yuo are priceless - thats LIVING.

sodaberry says:
thats having your cake and eating it - me thinks

EX says:
i want you.

sodaberry says:
well, its not that simple is it?

EX says:

no especially seeing i spelt your name wrong

EX says:

sodaberry says:
no need to be sorry

EX says:
what you doing?

sodaberry says:
me? now?

EX says:

sodaberry says:
writing in my online diary......... watchin H in the lounge on the sofa(got up cos he's a little unwell ) and he's watching button moon
sodaberry says:
and i am talking to you , of course
sodaberry says:

That's when he got on to subtleties thaat made it sound like he was being vulgar the other end of the computer line - which he then denied and made out like I was suggesting he should be. That's when my baby puked, so I had to go - thank goodness. This man lives on another continent - only visiting my home town ( his mom lives here) for a few days.....yeah, i still love him, but i dont need him or particulrly want him in my life. but there he was, stirrinf up old feelings - i think i did quite well not to engage in any crappy sex talk etc. men suck x

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden