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where is He?
2005-06-07, 12:19 a.m.

Sometimes I feel like my relationship with God is slipping. With that in mind, I find it hard to motivate. If a relationship with a human slips, one or both of you make an effort. if only one makes the effort, over and over, then (if it's me) I kinda shrug and leave it. Now I know , of course, that a relationship with God is different. He's not gonna ring you on the phone and say "hey, its a long time since we spoke", but I feel like, to keep this relationship going, it's all down to me and I have no 'meeting halfway'. So this all probably sounds niaive, God does his thing all the time, is with you all the time and has already proven himself (to believers, I mean, of course) but I really feel at the moment that as I slip further away from feeling like part of His family, there is no-one trying to pull me back. I don't know what I would want from Him. -the angel Gabriel popping in and saying - hey come back and join the party? A thunderbolt? a message on the mirror as I shower? No, obviously not, but let's just say, I WAS feeling it before, now I feel alone.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden