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the good, the bad and the baptism
2005-07-26, 6:41 a.m.

Its been a big long time since I updated here, so much for my resolution to be a better diarist � pah! Oh well................

Not so much been going on really, am in the throws of organizing ( or rather, worrying about the amount of organizing involved in) H's baptism. Actually I'm excited about it, it's a big deal for me :-)

Alpha has finished till September now...sniff, though I am intending to see some of the group where I can over the holidays. When we start again in September it's all going to change and I know it is necessary, but I feel a little sad about the change. Basically what's happening is that I and another girl have been asked to assist in a new group starting the Alpha course. This in itself is great and no problem and is actually quite exciting, but because of availability of the hall, and the church creche etc, it means that the old group will fold if we do this. I have prayed on it a little, but in my heart I know what would be the right thing to do, I can feel the way God is leading me � after all, having found my way on my journey here, I should be all set to be party to spreading the word further, sharing the joy and all that jazz! I have to say that since letting God and Jesus back into my life, I really DO feel different. I feel better in myself, I feel more positive and I feel I have a path ahead of me and a purpose................I need to be available to help others find their way, if that's where they feel they are lead. My life is so much better now, it would be selfish not to pass some of that on............but i FEEL like being selfish, I will miss my group SO badly, its such a shame that it has to be an 'either/or' situation.

In other news............. I was reading a book the other day and it paraphrased Romans 8;28.

"He uses everything that happens to us, bad as well as good, to achieve the penultimate purpose of our spiritual wellbeing and the ultimate purpose of his glory"

It keeps coming back to me, I keep thinking on it - it's like I was lead to read that......... I am incredibly good at feeling sorry for my lot and doing the old 'poor me' routine, and it suddenly gave a different spin on the whole thing and I cant really explain it right now, but it hit a cord.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden